Bangor Upgraded

The Bangor system has been upgraded to the new software stack. This represents a substantial upgrade for the Bangor system and it will extend its useful life significantly.

As an HPCW Phase 1 system based on Intel Westmere technology, it was previously running Red Hat/CentOS 5.5 and the IBM Platform LSF cluster scheduler. The new stack is CentOS 6.7 based and deploys the Slurm cluster scheduler.

It is likely that some application codes will need recompilation on the new platform to suit the upgraded OS version and the CPU instruction set. We will endeavour to get as many of the HPCW-provided software builds updated as possible, but if you encounter any issues (typically ‘Illegal instruction‘ or ‘not supported on your platform, your OS and hardware need to support Intel AVX‘) then please let us know so that we can prioritise among the large amount of software that is installed.