Hawk Phase 2 (Updated 13/01/2020)
Hawk service at-risk for the weeks of the 9th and 16th December- Hawk Lustre expansion re-scheduled for Tuesday 28th January 2020, compute will be unavailable.
- Users should backup important scratch data in advance.
Datacentre power testing on 17th December now complete.
Hawk will shortly be undergoing a Phase 2 Expansion which will provide Hawk with new compute capabilities via AMD Rome CPUs, enhanced GPU capabilities with new nodes containing Nvidia V100 GPUs and will also grow the scratch filesystem.
Primary installation will take place during the week of 9th December. The entire hawk service should be considered at-risk as hardware installation will be taking place in the data centre.
Additionally, the lustre expansion will require a compute outage in order to quiesce the file system. This is now arranged for Tuesday 28th January 2020. Login nodes and job submission will remain available, but compute will not.
Additionally, datacentre power testing will take place on the morning of 17th December from 7am, and Hawk compute will not be available during this period.
The expansion of the lustre /scratch file system presents a small risk of data loss. As such, please BACKUP important or difficult-to-reproduce data from the scratch file system before the installation begins.
UPDATE @ 11/12/2019
During installation and configuration of the Lustre expansion, due diligence identified two factors requiring additional resolution. As such, we are postponing the compute outage due Thursday 12th and will advise the new date in due course. This will now be in early 2020.
UPDATE @ 17/12/2019
Datacentre power testing completed – Hawk compute now available again after Tuesday 17th December testing outage.
UPDATE @ 13/01/2020
The Scratch (Lustre) file system expansion has been re-scheduled to Tuesday 28th January 2020 from 8am to 8pm. Hawk’s compute will be unavailable throughout as the system needs to be quiesced. Login nodes will remain available ‘at-risk’. Please do ensure you have up-to-date backups of important data from scratch.
Please don’t hesitate to Contact Support if you need further information or any assistance with backing up any data.