
User Group Meeting 11/12/2015

We are pleased to announce that the next User Group meeting for academic researchers will take place via a multi-site video conference on Friday 11th December 2015 from 2pm – 4pm. Locations for the video conference will be as follows: Aberystwyth: Huw Owen Library, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DZ Bangor: Video Conferencing Room, Dean Street Building, […]

Improving the Service

It has now been more than two months since we performed the first cluster migration to the new software stack at Swansea. Generally, the migration has gone very well. We have had a hand full of support cases that required work to integrate existing application with the new software stack. However the cluster as a […]

Swansea Upgraded

This morning, we have re-opened the Swansea system to end-users after last week’s substantial software upgrade. The entire system software stack has now been updated or changed – operating system, cluster management and scheduler where we now deploy CentOS 6.7, xCAT 2.10 and Slurm 15.08. The last of these is the one which has most […]

Swansea Upgrade

As previously announced, we will decommission the current Swansea system for a full software upgrade this weekend. This will involve an outage going into the middle to latter part of next week. The current platform has served well, delivering more than 65 million hours to end-users in its 2 years in this form. It contains […]

Systems Upgrades & Outages – September 2015

Planning & preparation continues in the partner Higher Education Institutions for Stage 2 of HPC Wales. It is likely that the current transition phase will last in to the new calendar year, and we hope to make further announcements soon. As previously advertised, we are making a number of Technical changes across the infrastructure to […]

July 2015 Technical Update

As previously broadcast, Phase 1 of HPC Wales was formally funded until the end of May 2015. The HEIs are now heavily involved in the planning of Phase 2, and the HPC Wales service is currently in a transition phase offering continued access & support to researchers through a slimmed down organisation.   There are […]